Jan 170 min read
Charcuterie and Cutting Boards
I made some Charcuterie and Cutting boards with various hard woods. Quit serving your charcuterie on paper plates. Get some class.

Sep 26, 20240 min read

Oct 10, 20220 min read

Jan 10, 202210 min read
I Respond to those who wish Eric Carlston Death
In my response to those who wished my wife death, I referred to Newton’s Third Law of Motion to point out that for every action there is...

Dec 30, 20216 min read
I Respond to Those Who Wished My Wife Death
Please Note: If you are vaxcinated and do not wish to force my wife, my children or me to get vaxcinated, I have no problem with you. ...

Dec 29, 20219 min read
An Open Thank You Letter on behalf of Ayesha Kreutz and her Miraculous Defeat of the Chyna Virus.
Dear friends and family, Sorry this has taken so long. Especially to all the folks who donated to Ayesha Kreutz’s Gofundme page or...

Dec 5, 20211 min read
Our old Chicken Coop Went up in flames one night
Just as I was getting into bed, our neighbor knocked on our door around midnight to tell us our barn was on fire. I had terrible...

Dec 5, 20210 min read

Jul 28, 20211 min read
We had a bat in the house. Ayesha ran upstairs, leaving it to me and the dogs
Now, the big outside dogs were just standing at the open back door oafishly offering, "You want us to come in and eat your food. The bat...

Jul 15, 20211 min read
Some Horse and Chicken Videos
Amos is presently out of his mind. His best buddy Dusty was just shipped off to get training, and Amos couldn't handle it. He was...

Jul 15, 20211 min read
Ride through the Woods, Some more Deer Stands
I took a ride through the woods in the spring. Nothing's more fun than driving through pond-sized puddles, hoping you don't get stuck in...

Jul 15, 20211 min read
New Chickens and Robin's nest
Here are some photos of our new chickens. They will lay blue, green and dark red eggs, and they're called Easter eggers. From left to...